Ahad, 24 Februari 2013

Nyet dapat Adik Baru

Selepas beberapa lama aku menjaga Nyet,dia semakin nakal dan terus nakal...aku teringin sangat mempunyai baby monkey yg betul2 baru lahir,haa,baru best mendidik dari awal kan..meluntur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya kan..hehe...aku terus berusaha untuk mendapat kan seekor baby monkey...sebulan menjaga Nyet,aku meringan kan mulut untuk bertanya kpada pemilik Nyet ni,sama ada masih ada baby monkey yg boleh aku dapatkan...alangkah gembiranya,ada sahabat beliau yg ingin memberi baby monkey dekat aku.aku rasa sangat gembira.....aku berdoa supaya dapat seekor baby monkey yg betul2 baru lahir...tibanya aku d rumah kawan aku tu,aku telihat seekor baby monkey sekecil botol mineral yg kecil tu,dye kelihatan lemah sangat,kotor serta bebau busuk.terdapat kecederaan d ekor..sgt lemah...aku membawa dia pulang..aku harap dia akan sembuh satu hari nanti...tiba di rumah,aku memandikan dia,makan,susu dan mmberi pakaian serat pampers....aku mula merawat dan menjaga....happy bercampur sedih melihat baby monkey..gambar di atas merupakan gambar pertama baby pakai baju dan pakai abgnye Nyet..hehe...kecil kan,comot lagi tu...lemah........huhuuuuu

Sabtu, 9 Februari 2013

Hari Pertama ''nyet''

Tibanya di rumah mulut aku terus saja berdoa agar ibu ku tidak memarahi aku kerana ibu aku pernah berpesan ''haa jgn pandai2 bawa balik monkey ke rumah ni okay''...tapi aku terus berdegil..sambil berdoa sambil tersenyum kerana terfikir ''wahh petang ni boleh shoping beli baju baby..bedak,syampoo,baju,pampes,seronokkkkk''..hehe.tiba di rumah..aku xdapat tidur..aku bermain dengan monkey,malangnya monkey ni seekor yg ganas,,menarik rmbut aku,ggt2 aku..dye bermain kasar..hmm sedih,tetapi rasa bahagia serta tidak puas hati mendapat monkey yg sudah besar...aku tetap melayan beliau dgn baik..seperti bagi mandi,susu serta makan...tibanye ibu ke rumah,aku melihat raut wajah ibuku tersenyum dan seolah gembira melihat haiwan peliharaan aku..aku ingtkan aku perlu menahan telinga aku untk mendengar leteran ibuku..''yes,bahagia''....ibuku mula membeli susu dan biskut 'milna' untuk kanak2 tu..aku happy mendapat sokongan dari ibuku....tapi tetap tidak berpuas hati mendapat seeokor monkey yg terlalu ganas..terus berdoa agar suatu hari nnti mendapat seekor baby monkey..aku cube meletakkan name dye boboy,tapi apabila d paggil,tidak d endah kan...aku panggil ''nyet'' terus dye memandangku.hahaaa yaaa monkey name is ''Nyet''...di atas ni merupakan gambar pertama ketika di bawa pulang..masih berbogel..baju xbeli lagi..hehe...petang tuuuu,shopping time..hehee!!

Puas Mencari 'monkey'....

Selepas bebrapa lama memikir kan tentang baby monkey,aku mula mencari dan terus mencari sehingga aku banyak menghabiskan wang semata mata untuk mendapat baby monkey.aku mencari dengan menggunakan pelbagai kaedah jerat...setiap petang aku menghabiskan mas dengan berjalan sambil mencari monkey..kadang2 terasa macam aku sedang melakukan aktiviti yang bodoh..tetapi apa boleh d lakukan,niat aku terlalu kuat untk mempunyai seekor baby monkey.hampir selama 6 bulan aku mencari namun tidak dapat...aku hampir putus harapan..lalu membuat keputusan untuk melayari mudah.com untuk mncari baby monkey..dengan terkejut sekali,,aku terlihat memang ada orang yg mahu menjual baby monkey yg berharga rm800..aku hampir membelinya..namun selepas menelefon,harga baby monkey di naikan sebanyak hampir seribu setengah sekali kos penghntaran serta lesen...hati aku hampa setelah mendengar ribuan ringgit perlu d habiskan untuk mendapatkan seekor baby monkey...tibalah satu ketika,sedang aku menjalankan bisnes shisha(hookah) bersama Izwan,datangnye seorang customer,dgn ringan mulut,Izwan mengenali mereka,alangkah gembira nya secara kebetulan,mereka mempunyai monkey yg ingin d berikan...setelah mendengar perlawaan tersebut,aku tersenyum serta merta....tepat jam 4.00am aku ke destinasi stlah selesai mengemas barang.....hati aku gembira sangat tidak terhingga..tiba d tempat trsebut,aku rasa begitu berdebar....dari jauh,aku terlhat monkey sedang sejuk berselimut..aku rasa happy,namun mempunyai sedikit rasa takut..dengan niat yg kuat,aku terus memeluk monkey tersebut...dia tidur dlm dakapan aku..tetapi ia tidak lah seekor baby monkey...ia sudah membesar seperti seorang kanak2 yg berumur 2tahun..aku mahukan seekor baby monkey yg baru d lahirkan...supaya senang d didik...tapi aku mencuba terbaik untuk monkey itu....

Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Penyebab Utama Memilih Memelihara Monyet.

pada mulanya tidak terfikir langsung untuk saya memelihara seekor binatang yang menyerupai manusia ini..namun kerana hasrat saya yang tidak dapat di tunaikan, iaitu mempunyai seorang anak kecil (bayi) kerana masih belum berkahwin membuatkan saya terfikir sejenak untuk mememlihara binatang ini..sebenarnya keinginan saya untuk menjaga seorang bayi ini bukan lah perkara biasa,,kadang kadang kerana niat saya yang melampau ini telah pun membuatkan saya bermimpi hmpir setiap hari tentang seorang bayi,tidak kisah lah sama ada anak orang lain,jumpa bayi dan sebagainya..pelbagai mimpi bayi tlah menghantui saya.saya bukannya tidak mahu mendiri kan rumah tangga,tetapi memikirkan umur aya yang masih muda,mempunyai adik beradik masih kecil,dan memikir kan kerjaya serta kehidupan ibu saya seorang ibu tunggal menyebabkan saya berfikir tidak smpai lagi jodoh saya..berbalik tentang monyet tadi,saya terfikir untuk memelihara monyet setelah melihat sekawan monyet yg sedang berkumpul sesama puak mereka,terpandang pula seekor ibu monyet yg sedang memeluk erat anaknya,.menjaga anak seperti manusia membuatkan hati saya membuak2 untuk mmpunyai seekor anak monyet...hari hari saya akan pergi ke tempat monyet dgn harapan dapat berbaik dan menyelami sifat dan mengetahui cara kehidupan mereka dengan lebih mendalam..aminnnnnnnn..berdoa dan teru berdoa.....

Jumaat, 21 September 2012

Fact About Monkey

  • The origins of the word “monkey” are unclear. It could come from Moneke, the name of the son of Martin the Ape in a medieval animal story. It appears also to be related to manikin, from the Dutch manneken (“little man”).
  • As of 2008, there are 81 species of New World monkeys in the Amazon basin, and new ones are continually being discovered.
  • Monkeys make up two of the three groups of simian primates, Old World monkeys and New World monkeys. The other group is the apes.
  • There are 264 known Monkey species.The smallest Monkeys are about 6 inches long and 4 ounces. The largest ones can be up to 3 feet long and weigh up to 77 pounds.
  • Monkeys are most easily distinguished from apes by their tails. Apes have no tails.
  • Monkeys use vocalizations, facial expressions, and body movements to communicate.
  • Like humans, monkeys use vocalizations, facial expressions, and body movements to communicate.
  • Monkeys live in groups, known as troops, and travel together to find food.
  • Most monkeys eat both animals and plants. Some also eat dirt.
  • Monkeys peel their bananas and do not eat the skins.
  • Monkeys live in trees, grasslands, mountains, forests, and on high plains.
  • Yawning of a monkey means that either he is tired or he is mad at something.
  • A monkey was once tried and convicted for smoking a cigarette in South Bend, Indiana.
  • South American Titi monkeys are rare among primates because they are monogamous. They mate for life and become distressed when separated. They show affection by remaining close, grooming each other, intertwining their tails, holding hands, nuzzling, cuddling, and lip smacking.
  • Monkeys can breed at any time of the year.
  • Some of the monkeys have prehensile tails, which can grab and hold objects.
  • The Pygmy Marmoset is the world’s smallest monkey. It measures 117-159 millimeters (four and a half to six inches) in length and weighs 85 to 140 grams (three to five ounces).
  • A monkey is any primate that is not a human, prosimian, or ape.
  • Apes and spider monkeys swing arm-to-arm in trees, but most monkeys don’t. Instead, they run across branches.
  • Grinning or pulling the lip is a sign of aggression in monkeys, along with yawning, head bobbing, and jerking the head and shoulders forward.
  • A group of monkeys is called a “troop.”
  • Monkeys are seriously threatened by habitat loss–especially those that live in tropical forests, a habitat that is quickly disappearing.
  • The male Mandrill is the largest monkey. It is almost 1 meter (3.3 feet) long and weighs about 35 kilograms (77 pounds).
  • Most monkeys eat both animals and plants.Some also eat dirt.
  • Monkeys can grasp with both their fingers and their toes.
  • 10 New World monkey species have been classified as nocturnal. All known Old World monkeys are diurnal.
  • Old World monkeys have 32 teeth. New World monkeys have 36.
  • Old World monkeys are divided into two subfamilies, generalists and specialists. Generalists eat almost anything, and specialists eat mainly leaves.
  • Many New World Monkeys, including the spider monkey, do not have thumbs. Capuchins and squirrel monkeys are the only New World monkeys with pseudo-opposable thumbs.
  • It is common for monkeys to carry tuberculosis, hepatitis, and simian herpes B.
  • As the name indicates, silvered leaf monkeys are silver to dark gray in color. Infants, however, are bright orange.
  • Male squirrel monkeys sometimes assert dominance by urinating on subordinates.
  • When a troop of guenon monkeys gets a new leader, the new alpha-male will sometimes kill all babies who are still being suckled—an evolutionary behavior known as kin selection, where the male protects his own offspring by killing the offspring of other males.
  • The Olive Colobus monkey and certain Red Colobus species are hunted for food by humans and chimpanzees.
  • Monkeys peel their bananas and do not eat the skins.
  • Howler monkeys spend up to 80% of their time resting.
  • Capuchins are skilled tool users. They smash nuts with rocks, insert branches into crevices to capture food, remove spines and hairs from caterpillars by rubbing them against a branch, protect their hands with leaves, and use large branches to club snakes.
  • Most Old World monkeys have small, curved nostrils set close together. Most New World monkeys have round nostrils set far apart on flat noses.
  • A chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in a mirror, but monkeys can’t.
  • All monkeys like to be clean so they have a barber monkey clean out their fur. The barber monkey’s payment is the bugs in its customer’s hair.
  • The orangutan is the largest fruit-eating animal in the world and it rarely comes out of the trees.
  • The rarest monkey in the world is the Golden Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) that still lives in two forest regions near the Brazilian town of Sao Paulo. It is a reddish orange to golden brown in color and it was first listed as endangered in 1982, rising to critically endangered in 1996, and today, researchers estimate that there about 75 individuals.
  • Some Old World monkeys, such as Drills, have sitting pads on their rumps, but New World monkeys do not.
  • Chimpanzees are the only monkeys that can drink water using a “glass” made from a leaf. Moreover, chimpanzees can immediately learn how to use a “real” cup or glass. Also, they wash their teeth just like people do.
  • Groups of Snow Monkeys are primarily formed by adult females, there are roughly three time the number of adult females than there are adult males and young.
  • In each group, only the male monkeys that have high-rankings are allowed to mate with any female in the group. The males with lower rankings must sneak their way past a high-ranking male in order to get a chance at copulation with a female.
  • There’s something about monkeys’ physiological makeup that make them immune to the influenza virus.
  • Grinning or pulling the lip is a sign of aggression in monkeys. Along with bobbing the head or jerking it forward along with the shoulders.
  • Capuchin monkeys use different vocal sounds to identify different types of predators. They have also been seen banging stones together to warn each other of approaching predators.
  • South American Titi monkeys are rare among primates because they are monogamous. They mate for life and become distressed when separated. They show affection by remaining close, grooming each other, intertwining their tails, holding hands, nuzzling, cuddling, and lip smacking.
  • Howler monkeys are the loudest monkeys. Their howls can be heard for about two miles in the forest and almost three miles in an open area.
  • The Barbary Macaque is the only free-living species of monkey in Europe, which was once home to many monkeys.
  • Adult male guenon monkeys will sometimes rush after an eagle that has caught a family member, sometimes intimidating the bird enough that it lets go of its prey.
  • Monkeys express affection and make peace with others by grooming each other.
  • There are 96 species of Old World monkeys.
  • Old World monkeys often have large cheek pouches that enable them to feed rapidly and store their food, then chew and swallow it later.
  • Many New World monkeys have prehensile tails, a feature not shared by any of their Old World cousins. Prehensile tails are used for grasping objects, swinging, and steadying the monkey by grasping limbs and branches when the hands and feet are being used in progression.
  • Proboscis monkeys are best known for the long noses of males, which grow larger as the monkeys age. Females have smaller, pointed noses. This distinctive feature might help to resonate the male’s loud vocalizations.
  • Twenty different vocalizations have been noted in squirrel monkeys.